Amelia Page | Selby College
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Meet the students

Amelia Page

BSc (Hons) Top-Up in Applied Computing

What made you choose Selby College?

I was originally studying at Leeds University but had to leave the course. I studied IT at Level 3 at Selby College and was still in touch with my former tutor Andy Brown who offered me a place on the BSc (Hons) Top-Up in Applied Computing programme. Andy and my other tutor Tom ensured that I was able to catch up and settle in.

What do you enjoy about your course?

The course covers a wide range of areas from programming, networking and databases to web development and Cloud Computing. My tutors are really approachable and are always willing to help or answer any questions that you may have. In the Easter holidays, Tom gave up his spare time to help myself and my fellow course mates with our website project.

What are the benefits of studying Higher Education locally?

When I began studying at Leeds University, I barely got a maintenance loan. Therefore, when I moved to Selby, I was able to save costs as my course fees were lower and I didn’t have any accommodation costs. By studying locally, I have been able to live at home and earn money by working part-time at a local cattery.

What is next for you?

Once I have graduated, I hope to go on to study a masters in Cybersecurity at York University. Cybersecurity and intelligence are my biggest passions and I hope that this will lead me to a career in the security services or relevant areas. I also hope that I can encourage more girls to get into IT and computing and to fulfil careers in the industry.