Principles of Working with and Supporting Individuals… | Selby College
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Certificate, Level 2

Principles of Working with and Supporting Individuals with Learning Disabilities

This course begins with an introduction to services for people with learning disabilities including current best practice and how people have been supported in the past. You will go on to learn about the importance of personalisation in social care and to look at how a positive and enabling attitude to risk can help people with learning disabilities to live more independent lives.

Completion within 12 weeks, although early completion is achievable

Benefits of Study:

  • No need to attend college, work from home at a pace that suits you
  • Achieve a nationally recognised Level 2 qualification
  • Further your personal and professional development
  • Available at no cost
  • Receive support and guidance from a dedicated team of qualified assessors/tutors
  • Study will enhance your personal and professional skills

The student will learn through the support of relevant materials for the course, with a knowledgeable tutor providing advice and guidance on the course content.


  • Understand the context of supporting individuals with learning disabilities
  • Safeguarding and protection in care settings
  • Introduction to personalisation in social care
  • Principles of positive risk taking for individuals with disabilities
  • Introductory awareness of autistic spectrum conditions
  • Principles of supporting individuals with a learning disability to access healthcare

You may wish to complete further distance learning courses in: Equality and Diversity, Understanding Autism or Behaviour that Challenges.

No specific entry requirements, however good written English is desirable.

The course is delivered via distance learning, supported by online flipbooks. Work is assessed by the tutor throughout the course from induction to completion.