Safeguarding | Selby College
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Safeguarding means making sure learners are safe, healthy, protected from harm and enjoy positive wellbeing. Here at Selby College we are committed to doing everything we can to make sure all of our students and staff are kept safe and protected from harm.

We follow the statutory Government guidance contained within Keeping Children Safe in Education and here is our Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.

How can the college help?

We work to provide a safe and welcoming environment where students are respected and valued. We are alert to safeguarding and wellbeing concerns and follow our procedures to ensure our students receive effective support, protection and an appropriate response.

Who should I to speak to?

If you are a College student and have a problem, you might choose to go direct to one of your Tutors, the college Counsellor, or Student Wellbeing Officer for help or advice. Alternatively, you might choose to talk to friends.

What if you suspect someone has a problem?

If the person with the problem is a friend it might be worthwhile suggesting they talk to a member of staff. In particular, we have Student Wellbeing Officers who have expertise in supporting students.

  • We have clear policies and procedures in place Safeguarding Policy and Procedures
  • We ensure all of our staff working for, or on behalf of the College, are suitable to work with young people carrying out all the relevant checks.
  • Ensure all staff have regularly updated Safeguarding training according to their roles.
  • Promote student activities and deliver sessions with safeguarding and wellbeing themes.
  • Take all concerns seriously, offer support via Student Wellbeing Officers and Counsellors, or provide advice and referral to specialist agencies, or Social Care North Yorks.

Useful Contact:

Carol Price
Heart of Yorkshire Group Safeguarding Lead


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