College Tutor creates NHS scrubs | Selby College
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College Tutor creates NHS scrubs

Monday 1 June 2020

Selby College Tutor creates NHS scrubs from home

Art & Design Tutor at Selby College, Kiku McNaughton, has joined the nationwide ‘For the Love of Scrubs’ initiative to help create scrubs for NHS frontline workers.

After seeing the shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) the NHS was facing, Kiku was inspired to help out when she saw the ‘Yorkshire Scrubs – For the Love of Scrubs’ group on social media.

So far, Kiku has sewn three full sets of scrubs to be donated, including one which was made entirely from old bed sheets.

“I wanted to be able to look back on this time and know that I did my bit - to do something that I know I’ll be proud to tell my daughter I did in years to come. As I can sew, I decided to join the ‘For the Love of Scrubs Yorkshire’ group to help create scrubs for frontline workers who so desperately need them in the fight against coronavirus,” said Kiku.

The For the Love of Scrubs campaign is a nationwide effort in the response to the shortage of PPE for frontline workers across the UK. The ‘Yorkshire Scrubs – For the Love of Scrubs’ group was set up to support those in the Yorkshire area who are able to and would like to contribute towards supplying local hospitals with scrubs.

Kiku added: “I just wish that I could do more to help, but as a full-time tutor and mother to my beautiful two year old, time is limited. But I know that the group would be extremely appreciative for any help or donations.”

Staff across Selby College have been going above and beyond to help create PPE for the NHS and care homes, including Mick Wilson, Engineering Lecturer for Computer Aided Design (CAD), who has been manufacturing face visors using the College’s state-of-the-art 3D printers.

Fifty of the face visors have already been donated to Horizon Care, with others distributed to local care homes and the Kippax Integrated team at the Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust.

Selby College also donated a range of PPE to Selby-based care homes including Carentan House Residential Care and Osborne House, as well as Selby War Memorial Hospital, North Yorkshire Police and Yorkshire Ambulance Service.