Business students head to New York | Selby College
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Business students head to New York

Thursday 4 April 2019

The college’s Business students participated in the trip of a lifetime to New York at the end of half term last month. The group of 17, which included both A Level and Level 3 Vocational BTEC students, had the opportunity to visit some amazing landmarks and taste all the local delicacies the Big Apple has to offer, including lots of pizza, authentic American diner food at The Comfort Diner and of course fried chicken!

Their Manhattan adventure began with a visit to the incredible Empire State Building. Once at the top, the students were met with some unexpected blizzard conditions and snowy views over the city’s island. They also had the opportunity to walk around the iconic Times Square and Broadway theatre district before taking the Subway back to their hotel, after an extremely tiring first day in New York!

Over the course of a week the students went on to visit and enjoy tours of several special locations in New York, including; the Flatiron Building, Trinity Church, Wall Street, New York Stock Exchange, Battery Park, the Observatory on top of the One World Trade Centre, the 9/11 Memorial, Grand Central Station, a tour and talk at Macy’s, the Chrysler Building, the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.

Later in the week the students had the opportunity to visit the Top of the Rock on the top floor of the Rockefeller Center and luckily, the weather was much calmer and clearer than their Empire State Building experience with some beautiful blue skies!

On their final day the group got to explore a beautiful Central Park covered in snow and some of its attractions before heading home. The trip was a huge success and the group got to experience so much in the space of their four-day itinerary!

Trip Leader and Business Lecturer Rehanah Hussain said: “The time and effort required to organise the trip is completely worth it to see the students enjoying a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. For some, this is the first time they have been abroad. The group were exceptionally behaved throughout the trip – something that was commented on by the Virgin Atlantic crew and patrons at The Comfort Diner.”

She added: “The students were also able to see how the theory they have been taught in class about Business and Marketing has been applied to the world-famous Macy’s department store. I am very proud of all the students and am so glad that they have had such a wonderful, jam-packed New York adventure… Now to start planning next year!”

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